Friday, August 27, 2010

Blissfull ATC Swap

My partner for this swap was Leila. This was her first ever ATC.
I think she did an awesome job!
(sorry that the pic is so dark ?)

This is the back. I love how she incorporated it to look like the
front page of a newspaper. Clever!

She also sent this sweet gift along with it.
It is a 5 x 7 digital collage print made by Leila.
It's beautiful!
Thank you Leila!

This is what I sent Leila.
I wrapped the ATC in ribbon and lace
and also sent a vintage bingo card and doily along
with a orange leaf doily.

This is the ATC I created.
I forgot to mention the theme this round was orange!
If you hadn't guessed!
It's not to late to sign up for next month's ATC swap,
every month there is a different theme. Head on over
here to get the details.

1 Junkgirls had this to say...:

SewPaperPaint said...

Absolutely WONDERFUL ATC! :) Lovely wrapping too.
Autumn Clark